A Rocky First Date & Exciting New Beginnings

Dear Gorgeous Reader,

As I write to you, I am sitting out on the swing bench with Digby, my housemate’s chihuahua, looking out over the trees and listening to the birds chirping away!

I’ve just had my body worker, Jack, do a session on me, and he truly works miracles! Yesterday, while on a first date, I managed to get whacked by a golf ball just below my ribcage. Far from ideal, but at least it wasn’t my head!

How on earth, you ask? Well, my date and I were taking a leisurely walk around a picturesque golf course, admiring the stunning mansions. As we were nearing the end of our walk, we decided to take a shortcut across the green, as going around seemed excessive! Not seeing any golfers, we began crossing, and upon reaching the halfway point, heard a man shout out... “FOUR!” I turned toward the sound only to be met by a golf ball coming down from the sky. Let’s just say I’ll have a good bruise on my abdomen for a while. A bit of a rocky ending to an otherwise enjoyable first date... Thank you, Match.com!

I’m so excited to have my new website up and running, thanks to Mary, who created it! I knew the first time I touched down in Aiken, back in March last year, that I wanted to live here. A further two visits cemented the idea for me, and this horsey heaven has now been home for the last six months. I am enjoying working with all my clients and am super grateful to have also made a fabulous group of friends. The biggest news is my new ride, Manhatta (Manny to his friends), who is owned by Terry Long. Manny is an 8-year-old KWPN gelding with oodles of talent and ability. We are getting to know each other, and I am currently helping him overcome some unfortunate bad riding and horsemanship from a previous rider. 

Last week, just before the snow and ice hit Aiken, my saddler from the UK, Jo Beavis, came to visit. I am thrilled to announce that I am now sponsored by Fairfax Saddles and the National Saddle Centre (Jo’s company). Having ridden in Fairfax equipment for over 10 years and seeing/being part of the scientific research that has gone into making the saddles, bridles, and girths fit the best for both the horse and rider makes it all the more special.

This week is looking like a glorious sunny one, and I do so love working outdoors… especially with the current warm temperatures. I am looking forward to a trip to Washington, DC, next week and can’t wait to tell you more of my upcoming plans! If you are in Aiken, look out for the February/March edition of Aike Horse (newspaper), where I am interviewed.

Remember to pat your horse when you’re riding. A good moment is when you’re maintaining outside rein connection — give a little pat or scratch on your horse’s neck or withers with your inside hand. It makes you let go of that inside rein and perhaps even release a bit of tension you weren’t aware of. Notice your horse’s reaction when you let go.

Be safe and happy riding!

Until soon,
